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pour les nuls ... et les autres !

Accueil   »   ASL-The Great War

Welcome to World War One.

The rules presented here are completely free. The aim of this work is to provide a basis to those who want to try a a new (and muddy)ASL taste.

Some of you probably think that going over the top, running in a wire and getting chopped down by a machinegun is sort of boring...and it is. But if you take the time, you’ll find that there are loads of interesting situations of the Great War that are just asking to be written as a fun ASL scenario.
Moreover, ASL The Great War is also a first try at creating something that can show to us, wargamers, why things were done the way they were in 1914-18. Why such slaughter ? Why trenches ? Why the VASL dice bot F... me up ?

The rules and corrections will be uploaded here, as will be some scenarios (once the rules will have been cleared up) and maybe even special maps and counters (got to believe in miracles sometimes).

But the most important thing is YOU ! Those rules are still in the design, conception and test phase.
We need your comments, your test and your ideas so that ASL The Great War becomes something enjoyable as well as a real add-on to our beloved ASL game.

Those rules are in no way usable on their own, ASL is required in order to play them. They also require a certain amount of ASL knowledge, but remain quite accessible to beginners.

Have fun and roll low.

P.S : Certains d’entre vous doivent déjà hurler au scandale parce que ces règles ne sont pas en français. Elles ne le sont pas pour la bonne et simple raison qu’on a besoin de playtesteurs et plus il y’en a mieux c’est. Donc on passe à l’anglais. Toutefois ces règles seront disponibles en français une fois qu’elles auront passé le stade de la conception et du test. En espérant qu’elles survivent aussi loin...

Dans la même rubrique

ASL The Great War - Scenarios ASL The Great War - Scenarios

The scenarios for ASLGW


À la une

Tables de référence pour VASL Tables de référence pour VASL

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Aide mémoire ASL Aide mémoire ASL

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Feuilles d’hexagones Feuilles d’hexagones

Une aide de jeu bien pratique à imprimer pour gérer vos unités hors carte.